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Slip-and-Fall Accidents Can Cause TBI

Premises Liability
February 10, 2017
Lee Law Firm , LLC

Slip-and-fall accidents can occur on most any property due to unsafe conditions involving a spill, ice or some other obstruction in the walkway. These falls can result in a myriad of issues, including traumatic brain trauma if the victim hits their head on the ground or on some other object. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that the leading cause of traumatic brain injuries is falls, which make up over 40 percent of all TBI cases. Brain damage contributes to approximately 30 percent of all injury deaths, killing 138 people every day.

While some cases of brain trauma are mild in nature, others are more severe and people may have difficulties recovering from the injury. People who are diagnosed with TBI often have a customized treatment plan consisting of occupational therapists, speech therapists, physical therapists, psychologists and medical doctors in hopes of reconstructing essential behaviors. The quicker the patient can receive treatment, the better outlook they have when it comes to recovery.

Depending on the specific area of the brain that was affected, as well as the extent of the damage, the person may suffer from somewhat severe symptoms, including muscle weakness, seizures, sensory deficits, memory loss and trouble focusing or concentrating. When the soft brain tissue hits against the skull bone in a forceful manner, the tissue becomes damaged, bruised, bleeding and inflamed. The damage can continue even after the accident, as the brain swells and the pressure builds up in the skull cavity. Sadly, the victim may suffer from long-term brain damage as a result. 

Contact Our Office

At Lee Law Firm, we have extensive knowledge and experience successfully handling personal injury claims. We take all personal injury cases on a contingency basis—you won’t pay any attorney fees unless we recover compensation for your losses.

Call us at 973-315-9080 or contact us online to schedule an appointment. We are available to meet with you evenings and weekends, if necessary. We welcome all major credit cards. ¡Nosotros hablamos español!

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